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Douglas Wells is an award-winning author. His first novel, The Secrets of All Secrets, received the Literary Titan Silver Award and was a finalist in the 2017 Independent Author Network’s Book of the Year Awards. His second novel, How We End Up, received the Literary Titan Silver Award and was a Finalist for Literary Fiction Category in the 2018 International Book Awards, the 2018 American Fiction Awards, and the 2018 Topshelf Magazine Book Awards. It was also awarded a Distinguished Favorite in the 2019 Independent Press Book Awards. His current novel, The Mourning Islands, was awarded a Gold Medal for Mystery/Suspense by the Florida Authors and Publishers Association on August 3, 2019. It was also awarded Finalist: Mystery/Suspense in the 2019 International Book Awards and the 2019 American Fiction Awards. Douglas is also a reviewer for The New York Journal of Books.